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Yaldeinu Summer Program
During the months of July and August, our summer program is based upstate, amongst beautiful, scenic mountains. Our facilities are designed and built to meet our student’s individualized needs and enables them to thrive. Students get to enjoy breathtaking views as they excel in their academic and therapeutic programs. Students also have additional opportunities to expand their adaptive daily living skills in addition to their educational knowledge, as well as enjoy increased activities like swimming, sports, and more. Being outdoors, surrounded by nature and all it has to offer, grants our students new and fresh opportunities. They are able to spread their wings and fly to even greater heights.
Staff Application Request
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in Camp Yaldeinu! Please click on the links to complete the Camp Yaldeinu staff application. Applications must be received no later than February 31st. You will be notified when our interviews will be taking place once your application is submitted.

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